Library Services
Your Library Card
Library cards are provided free of charge to all residents of Clinton Township, as part of your tax-supported library services. Your card gives you borrowing privileges here and at most public libraries in Illinois, access to special online resources, and more. Click here to learn how to get a library card.
Available Materials
Our circulating collection currently includes books, DVDs, Demco Discovery Kits, STEM kits, magazines, newspapers, video games, and more.
Craft supplies, board games, toys, puzzles, and more are currently available for in-library use.
E-reader Services
We currently offer two different eReader services that patrons can utilize to check out eBooks and eAudiobooks on a personal device.
Download the all-in-one eReadIL Axis 360 app to read eBooks and listen to eAudiobooks.
Libby downloadable eBooks and eAudiobooks. Download the Libby App.
Internet & Computer Access
The library has computers with
high-speed Internet access available for public use. Everyone who uses a library computer must acknowledge our internet agreement and follow our policy regarding computer and internet use. All patrons under the age of 18 need the signature of a parent or legal guardian for internet access on our desktop computers. Computers with game-only access are available in the children's section.
Headphones are available for patron use.
Free public WiFi is also available at the library for use on a personal device, and works in our parking lot for after-hours access.
Document Services
Staff members will make copies, scan, print, and send faxes for you.
B&W Copies & Printing - $.25 per piece of paper
Color Copies & Printing - $1.00 per page
Faxes - $1.00 per page
Materials can be printed in advance for quick pickup by emailing info@ctplibrary.org with your request, pickup time, and attached document.
Programs and Events
Various events and programs are scheduled throughout the year. See our calendar for details and sign up for our e-newsletter to stay up to date.
Monthly activities include Bookworms Storytime, STEM Adventures, take-home crafts, Clinton Chats book club, and more!
The library also offers movie days, game days, seasonal programming, and a summer reading program.
Please contact staff to suggest a program or event, or for questions regarding upcoming programs and events.
...and more!
Libraries are always changing to best meet the needs of our community. If you have a question about a service or need not listed here, please contact the library anytime for further assistance and suggestions.
Interlibrary Loan
If you are interested in an item that is not in our collection or is currently checked out, you can go to the online catalog site or utilize the PrairieCat app (available on Google Play or Apple's App Store) to place a hold on the item. The catalog can be accessed through this website by clicking on the 'Catalog' tab located at the top of the page.
You will need to login with your library card barcode and pin.
Library staff can also place or assist you with holds. Holds usually take a week to arrive.
Reserved items must be picked up within one week after you are called or emailed, as other patrons may be on the waiting list.
If you do not find the item in PrairieCat, please contact our staff to locate the item for you through OCLC or other options.
PrairieCat Kids' Library
Search the PrairieCat Kid's Online Library for books, movies, magazines and more.
Outreach Services
We offer both curbside pickup and home delivery. To pickup, please contact the library to request we check out the item for you and to notify us once you are outside. For home delivery, please contact the director to discuss options and delivery schedule.
Explore More Illinois
Attractions and culture passes are available to our cardholders via Explore More Illinois thanks to RAILS and Illinois State Library. Please contact our staff for assistance or questions.